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Protecting lone workers.

Learn more about what we do at LONEALERT and our passion for protecting lone, remote and hybrid workers. 

Our lone worker solutions

Understand our lone worker ecosystem and our multi level approach to create a robust lone worker solution that performs.

Our devices

Manage your lone workers

This section will provide you with all the relevant information needed to ensure best practice for employers. 

Useful documents

Protecting lone workers.

Learn more about what we do at LONEALERT and our passion for protecting lone, remote and hybrid workers. 

Our lone worker solutions

Understand our lone worker ecosystem and our multi level approach to create a robust lone worker solution that performs.

Manage your lone workers

This section will provide you with all the relevant information needed to ensure best practice for employers. 

Lone worker alarms and
man down safety systems.

Protect your lone workers better.

Certified by the SSAIB to BS8484:2016, we are a leading provider of lone worker alarms and safety systems. We ensure lone workers, remote and hybrid staff are connected no matter their location or job role.

How does a lone worker alarm work

Alarms are raised through a lone worker device. This could be if timers are not cancelled, a fall has been detected or the SOS button has been pressed. The alarm is then immediately directed to your designated response path such as the alarm receiving centre. All of which is managed and can be overseen within out lone worker management portal, The OWL.


Lone worker devices for all working environments.

Try a device to suit you Start protecting your
lone workers today


A rapid response, no matter the location.

Manage your responses effectively and efficiently through our alarm receiving centre, localised alerts or your control room. 


Creating a safer working environment.

Understand how The OWL Portal, our lone worker management tool is used to oversee working alone to give you  greater control.


Accidents can and do happen.

Know your duty of care to protect your lone workers and have the right procedures in place so staff can do their job safely.

How long would it take for you to notice if a lone worker was injured or missing

Lone working brings increased level of risks that can compromise safety. A business has a duty of care to it’s employee’s. It is crucial these risks are assessed and managed correctly by an organisation for their lone, remote and hybrid workers. 

A lone worker system will not prevent an accident from happening but the system and procedures that are in place once a lone worker alarm has been raised could be the difference between life or death.

A powerful, supportive lone worker solution

A fast response to lone worker alarms no matter the location.

A rapid response is crucial to a successfully implemented lone working solution. Direct alarms to the ARC, your staff, control room or a combined approach, all managed in The OWL Portal.

Lone worker protection at the push of a button.

We provide an extensive range of lone worker devices for staff that work alone, remotely or hybrid workers. These devices work for any job environment and in any role.

Lone worker legislation : Know your duty of care.

It is not against the law to work alone, but provisions and procedures need to be in place, so staff can work alone safely. 

Easy to manage lone worker management system.

Manage your lone workers, devices, escalations and more within the intuitive and easy to use OWL Portal.

Our very own LONEALERT ecosystem adapts to work in a range of working environments. From industrial workplaces to care settings or hybrid working, we are here to build a lone working solution that works for you and your employees.

How does a lone worker system work

We connect lone workers to their business settings no matter their location through providing simple to use lone worker devices. These devices allow lone workers to set timers, raise alarms and check-in.

Devices are controlled by our powerful and insightful web-based lone worker management tool, that has been expertly designed to oversee working alone. This tool is known as The OWL Portal.

Within The OWL Portal you can manage your lone workers, set rapid response escalation hierarchies, monitor and evaluate data, understand usage and have clear overview of lone worker activity.


Lone worker working at night outside a factory, using smartphone and portable laptop device
Lone worker working with helmet and protective equipment at a height on a wind turbine

How we protect lone, hybrid and remote workers.

We provide lone working solutions, certified by the SSAIB to BS8484:2016. Established in 2008, we support businesses at every level to ensure their lone workers are always connected no matter their location or job role.

Your questions answered.

What is a lone worker alarm?

lone worker device is a piece of technology that is designed to provide monitoring and an alert system to ensure lone worker safety. LONEALERT are a leading provider of mayday lone worker alarms and safety systems.

What is a lone worker?

On average 6 million people work alone in the UK. This figure is expected to rise as the continued change in working habits forces more remote working. Lone workers are everywhere. They have many faces and work in many industries. Are your lone workers safe?

Why have a lone worker policy?

Employers have a legal duty to carry out risk assessments of any work-related activities which present a risk to personal safety. This policy should identify who might be harmed, the dangers they face and any measures that can be taken to prevent and reduce the risk of injury.

How does a lone worker alarm work?

When a lone worker needs urgent help they can raise an alert at the touch of a button, or if their device detects a fall or lack of movement. The OWL Portal will notify a set of designated contacts, the Alarm Receiving Centre or the emergency services depending on your chosen response path.

How will anybody find me if something happens?

This is a common question first asked by many lone workers. There can be many questions when implementing a lone worker solution. Download our lone worker policy.

Get a free quotation now

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Get your lone worker policy

Make sure you get your copy of our lone worker policy template. A practical guide to promoting safe working environments. Fill out a few details to your copy now.

Download our lone worker brochure

You’re so close to downloading our brochure. Fill out a few details to get your copy now.