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Protecting lone workers.

Learn more about what we do at LONEALERT and our passion for protecting lone, remote and hybrid workers. 

Our lone worker solutions

Understand our lone worker ecosystem and our multi level approach to create a robust lone worker solution that performs.

Our devices

Manage your lone workers

This section will provide you with all the relevant information needed to ensure best practice for employers. 

Useful documents

Protecting lone workers.

Learn more about what we do at LONEALERT and our passion for protecting lone, remote and hybrid workers. 

Our lone worker solutions

Understand our lone worker ecosystem and our multi level approach to create a robust lone worker solution that performs.

Manage your lone workers

This section will provide you with all the relevant information needed to ensure best practice for employers. 

Lone Worker Protection

What is Lone Working & Lone Working Risks.

There are a variety of risks associated with lone working which varies from industry to industry. It is crucial you are aware of these risks and have the right solutions in place to mitigate them. A lone worker policy will help you to understand these risks.

Have you got a lone Worker Policy in place

Please call us now on 0330 999 8484 to speak to one of our  lone worker protection specialists. Alternatively you can visit our contact page for more information.

What is a lone worker

There is an estimated 6.8 million people working alone in the UK. Internationally, this figure is much higher and is expected to rise as the continued change in working habits forces more remote working.

It is a common myth to think that the term ‘lone worker’ simply refers to people who work completely alone. Although thousands of people do indeed fall into this category, the term ‘lone worker’ actually refers to a much broader spectrum of people – including anyone who works remotely or feels vulnerable in their work – many of whom who probably don’t even know that they are lone workers.

The HSE defines a lone worker as:

“those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision”

Therefore encompassing millions of workers in a range of roles from a full spectrum of industries.

And as there continues to be rapid advances in smartphone apps and other technology improving communication, enabling more industries to conduct business remotely, the number of people whose jobs involve being alone at work is only going to rise.

How many lone workers are attacked each day

A huge number of jobs can require people to be left alone and isolated and, while many of the hazards that lone workers face are similar to those faced by other workers, the risks involved may be greater because the worker is on their own. Statistics from the British Crime Survey indicate that as many as 150 lone workers are attacked, both physically and verbally, every day.

The victims of attacks are varied and take place across a number of industries and job roles where people can be found working alone. Figures from the TUC show that in retail alone, for example, 20,000 shop workers are attacked each year and an even greater number are exposed to threats of violence and verbal abuse.


Annual data released recently by the HSE has also revealed a slight increase in workplace fatalities over the past two years, rising from 136 to 144. While the average of fatalities to 100,000 workers equalled 0.42 overall, industry averages – including in agriculture, waste and recycling, construction and manufacturing – rose to 7.73.

Lone workers come from all walks of life. 

It's time to talk about lone working

For more information on lone working or lone worker protection, please browse through our other sections, if you are still not sure feel free to ask us a question.

Get your lone worker policy

Make sure you get your copy of our lone worker policy template. A practical guide to promoting safe working environments. Fill out a few details to your copy now.

Download our lone worker brochure

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